Data manipulation

Data Manipulation



Join two DataValueTables

     on::Union{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}} = Symbol[],
     kind::Symbol = :inner)


  • dt1, dt2 : the two AbstractDataValueTables to be joined

Keyword Arguments

  • on : a Symbol or Vector{Symbol}, the column(s) used as keys when joining; required argument except for kind = :cross

  • kind : the type of join, options include:

    • :inner : only include rows with keys that match in both dt1 and dt2, the default

    • :outer : include all rows from dt1 and dt2

    • :left : include all rows from dt1

    • :right : include all rows from dt2

    • :semi : return rows of dt1 that match with the keys in dt2

    • :anti : return rows of dt1 that do not match with the keys in dt2

    • :cross : a full Cartesian product of the key combinations; every row of dt1 is matched with every row of dt2

For the three join operations that may introduce missing values (:outer, :left, and :right), all columns of the returned data table will be nullable.


  • ::DataValueTable : the joined DataValueTable


name = DataValueTable(ID = [1, 2, 3], Name = ["John Doe", "Jane Doe", "Joe Blogs"])
job = DataValueTable(ID = [1, 2, 4], Job = ["Lawyer", "Doctor", "Farmer"])

join(name, job, on = :ID)
join(name, job, on = :ID, kind = :outer)
join(name, job, on = :ID, kind = :left)
join(name, job, on = :ID, kind = :right)
join(name, job, on = :ID, kind = :semi)
join(name, job, on = :ID, kind = :anti)
join(name, job, kind = :cross)



Stacks a DataValueTable; convert from a wide to long format; see stack.


Stacks a DataValueTable; convert from a wide to long format

stack(dt::AbstractDataValueTable, [measure_vars], [id_vars];
      variable_name::Symbol=:variable, value_name::Symbol=:value)
melt(dt::AbstractDataValueTable, [id_vars], [measure_vars];
     variable_name::Symbol=:variable, value_name::Symbol=:value)


  • dt : the AbstractDataValueTable to be stacked

  • measure_vars : the columns to be stacked (the measurement variables), a normal column indexing type, like a Symbol, Vector{Symbol}, Int, etc.; for melt, defaults to all variables that are not id_vars. If neither measure_vars or id_vars are given, measure_vars defaults to all floating point columns.

  • id_vars : the identifier columns that are repeated during stacking, a normal column indexing type; for stack defaults to all variables that are not measure_vars

  • variable_name : the name of the new stacked column that shall hold the names of each of measure_vars

  • value_name : the name of the new stacked column containing the values from each of measure_vars


  • ::DataValueTable : the long-format datavaluetable with column :value holding the values of the stacked columns (measure_vars), with column :variable a Vector of Symbols with the measure_vars name, and with columns for each of the id_vars.

See also stackdt and meltdt for stacking methods that return a view into the original DataValueTable. See unstack for converting from long to wide format.


d1 = DataValueTable(a = repeat([1:3;], inner = [4]),
               b = repeat([1:4;], inner = [3]),
               c = randn(12),
               d = randn(12),
               e = map(string, 'a':'l'))

d1s = stack(d1, [:c, :d])
d1s2 = stack(d1, [:c, :d], [:a])
d1m = melt(d1, [:a, :b, :e])
d1s_name = melt(d1, [:a, :b, :e], variable_name=:somemeasure)

Unstacks a DataValueTable; convert from a long to wide format

unstack(dt::AbstractDataValueTable, rowkey, colkey, value)
unstack(dt::AbstractDataValueTable, colkey, value)


  • dt : the AbstractDataValueTable to be unstacked

  • rowkey : the column with a unique key for each row, if not given, find a key by grouping on anything not a colkey or value

  • colkey : the column holding the column names in wide format, defaults to :variable

  • value : the value column, defaults to :value


  • ::DataValueTable : the wide-format datavaluetable


wide = DataValueTable(id = 1:12,
                 a  = repeat([1:3;], inner = [4]),
                 b  = repeat([1:4;], inner = [3]),
                 c  = randn(12),
                 d  = randn(12))

long = stack(wide)
wide0 = unstack(long)
wide1 = unstack(long, :variable, :value)
wide2 = unstack(long, :id, :variable, :value)

Note that there are some differences between the widened results above.


A stacked view of a DataValueTable (long format)

Like stack and melt, but a view is returned rather than data copies.

stackdt(dt::AbstractDataValueTable, [measure_vars], [id_vars];
        variable_name::Symbol=:variable, value_name::Symbol=:value)
meltdt(dt::AbstractDataValueTable, [id_vars], [measure_vars];
       variable_name::Symbol=:variable, value_name::Symbol=:value)


  • dt : the wide AbstractDataValueTable

  • measure_vars : the columns to be stacked (the measurement variables), a normal column indexing type, like a Symbol, Vector{Symbol}, Int, etc.; for melt, defaults to all variables that are not id_vars

  • id_vars : the identifier columns that are repeated during stacking, a normal column indexing type; for stack defaults to all variables that are not measure_vars


  • ::DataValueTable : the long-format datavaluetable with column :value holding the values of the stacked columns (measure_vars), with column :variable a Vector of Symbols with the measure_vars name, and with columns for each of the id_vars.

The result is a view because the columns are special AbstractVectors that return indexed views into the original DataValueTable.


d1 = DataValueTable(a = repeat([1:3;], inner = [4]),
               b = repeat([1:4;], inner = [3]),
               c = randn(12),
               d = randn(12),
               e = map(string, 'a':'l'))

d1s = stackdt(d1, [:c, :d])
d1s2 = stackdt(d1, [:c, :d], [:a])
d1m = meltdt(d1, [:a, :b, :e])

A stacked view of a DataValueTable (long format); see stackdt
